To convey the traditional taste of Seoul's home-style kimchi experienced in ancient Seoul hanoks, a unique expression method was needed for Seoul Wife Kimchi, emphasizing a different visual experience rather than just the same kimchi flavor. For overseas export, showcasing the delightful appearance of kimchi through an international website and social media, along with friendly expressions through new product packaging design, branding, and sales promotion via META, became essential.
What we did
We announced the commencement of overseas exports through a redesign of the Seoul Wife Kimchi logo and the creation of an international website. Additionally, we enhanced the brand's friendliness and convenience by working on design packages and labels for kimchi and side dishes. Adjusting the tone-on-tone on social media strengthened the brand image symbolically.Logo Redesign ImageInternational Website Image (monitor and markup)Character Design (representing Moo, Baesun, and the salt symbolizing Salt Star)Sticker Labels, Packaging (cooling bag cyan)SNS Images (the original farmer's love story with Seoul Wife).Vegan Certification and Successful Matching with buyers from Mongolia, Canadian Buyers.